Turning First-Time Customer to Lifetime Customer

Turning First-Time Customer to Lifetime Customer

As a business owner, you would have seen that customer acquisition is not a light job—it’s so hard that companies hire marketers to help them acquire customers.

As a wiser entrepreneur, you wouldn’t want to spend all your resources acquiring customers without driving real value from them and that’s why you want them to come again and again.

You see, when you turn your first time customer into a lifetime customer, you reduce the cost of customer acquisition and you empower them to become your brand ambassadors before their friends and relations.

That’s why you should embrace the idea and do all that you can to retain every customer you acquire for along as they have need for your product/services or your business exists.

In this post, I want to show you two vital keys to turn your customers to lifetime customers. I want you to pay attention to both and very importantly on the second factor—because that’s what most business people get wrong.

Deliver Quality Service/ Product
A key to turning your first time customers to lifetime customers is delivering quality service or product.

Your customer didn’t come to you just because they like you; they did because they have a problem/need which they believe that your services or product would help them solve/meet and delivering exceptional solution to them is the foundation for a long lasting relationship with them.

I have seen people who erroneously think that good marketing can make up for their poor product or service; but it doesn’t! Excellent marketing can get your first customer; but what gives you repeat purchase is customer satisfaction.

So, if you desire to have your first time customers come back and even bring their friends, your secret is ensuing that you deliver what you promised them in your marketing message. When you exceed their expectations, you wow them and the implication is that they almost always become your promoters

That’s why you should never promise what your service or product can’t deliver and you do your best to work with your customer so that they don’t become a cog in the wheel of your performance.

Manage Your Relationship with Your Customer
It’s not enough to have quality product or service; you have a duty to ensure a good enough relationship with your client that ensures they are satisfied with your product or service.

You see, I have found that while packaging a quality product or excellent service is largely dependent on me, ensuring harmonious relationship with my customers depends on both of us. The implication is that I shouldn’t just be content with doing my best to satisfy them, I should be sure I understand what they want, communicate with them to see how best to serve them and do every needful thing anyone in a relationship would to sustain it.

Reality is that we are hardly naturally wired with the right attitudes, habits and dispositions that effectively manage relationship with different kinds of customers. However, the good news is that many of the things we lack by birth, we can always get through training.

Therefore, if you truly desire to enjoy the financial benefits of turning your first customers into lifetime customers; you need Customer Relationship Management training from a reputable Human Resource Training firm like Synergy HR Solutions, that understand not just how best to manage humans but the peculiarities of your customers in Nigeria.

You need this training as business owner and your staff equally needs it because customers stay or leave an organization because of how, you, one or all of your staff treated them.

Companywide HR training empowers your workforce with the capacity to retain your customers with all the financial gain that comes from such mutually rewarding relationship with your company.

Just get in touch with us and we will take it up from there.